Do you want to learn more about how you can give a nice massage? Of course you do, and you’re searching for the right tips and tricks that can definitely make that a reality. You’re going to be surprised as you continue reading how the small things are what matters.
If you decide to get a massage in the comfort of your own home, take a hot shower first. The hot water will help relax your muscles through the penetrating heat. This will ensure that your massage is more comfortable and any aches or pains are eliminated before the start.
When performing a massage, it is important to use your thumbs. Thumbs have a lot of strength and so can help to stimulate proper therapy methods. Try not to push too hard, as this can cause discomfort to the person you are giving a massage to.
Massage is great during pregnancy, but wait until after the first trimester. During the first trimester, your baby is in the earliest stages of development. Toxins released during a massage can harm the fetus or inhibit growth during this delicate period. Once you have reached 16 weeks, you should be all clear to enjoy a massage.
Anytime you give a massage, make use of healing oils like sweet almond oil or olive oil. If you use a massage oil in place of a lotion it will be better absorbed by the skin. A massage oil also helps your hands glide gently over the body of the person receiving the massage.
Make sure your massage therapists know any areas of discomfort you have before beginning the massage. If there is any particular area that is giving your pain, the therapist can focus on that and try to give you some relief. She can also be careful to avoid any areas that are especially sensitive.
Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Whether it is hereditary or caused by stress it can be dangerous. If you are looking for a way to lower your blood pressure a bit, try having a massage. Massages are a great way to relieve stress and tension. They have also been proven to lower peoples blood pressure significantly.
When you get a massage, request that the lights be dimmed. You want the entire experience to be enjoyable and relaxing, and dimming the lights will give you that mood. You should not make the room entirely dark, but it will be easier to relax if you are not exposed to bright lights.
The light and gentle massage technique is often referred to as Swedish. It helps increase circulation and relax your partner. This type of massage is also excellent for athletes who have muscle fatigue. You must be careful with this type of massage and listen to your partner. They could have injuries and if the massage is painful, you need to stop.
When you’re stressed out or feeling emotional, aromatherapy massage is for you. The therapist will use essential oils while massaging your skin. They know exactly which oils will give you energy, relax you or help to bust stress. Lavender is frequently used to calm your mind and body, allowing you some peace.
If massaging is new to you or you don’t know what to get, try a Swedish or deep tissue massage. Depending on your tolerance, there are a multitude of options available. These two cover your most essential needs until you know more about the other types.
An excellent way to give a great back massage is using the “raking” technique. This involves using the tips of your fingers. Make sure that you spread your fingers apart. Begin your massage at the shoulders and slowly move your hands down the other person’s back. Your fingers should move alongside the person’s spine; however, you should not actually touch the spine. While one hand is going down one side, have your other hand go up in an alternating motion.
When you give a massage, be sure your hands read body contours well. Work your palms and fingers equally along the surface. When you get to bones, limit the pressure you apply. You can use the tip of your fingers to massage your muscles and penetrate the deeper layers of your skin.
Doing eye massages can relieve tired and sore eyes. The main benefit of this massage is using warmth to relieve pain and strain. Begin this massage by rubbing your hands together vigorously. Do this until your hands start to feel warm. When hands are warm, cover each eye with a palm until the warmth goes away.
Before you put oil on the body, warm it in your hands. Remember that a massage is supposed to be relaxing, and cold oil poured on the back is the antithesis of this. Rather, place oil in the hands, and rub them together for a moment or two. Friction will provide the heat needed for the oil to reach a good temperature.
A great massage technique for reliving shoulder pressure is providing yourself with a bear hug. To do this, put the right hand on the left shoulder and the left hand on the right shoulder. Tightly press on each shoulder and release. Do this three times. Finally, begin to work your hands down your arms squeezing and then letting go until you get to your wrists.
Did you know that you can request a four hands massage when you go to your massage therapist? You actually will have two therapists working on you at the same time. The additional cost is usually far less than you would expect and the benefits of this type of massage are huge.
Now it’s time to put what you’ve learned into action. Start out small, and work at perfecting the techniques. You are going to be surprised at just how much they work and how people will love your new found talent. Keep learning more, and you will continue to amaze them.